Another weekend marks the end (and beginning, depending on if you're the cup half full or empty type) of another week in ConGen (basic consular training). Despite what you may hear, it's actually a rather interesting 6-week course with a LOT of information to take it about visas, nationality regs, passports, AmCit services, fraud, FAMs, regs, INA,'ll be expected to review and get comfortable with all sorts of situations and questions. The good news is that you are encouraged to ask questions and learn to look up the information on regs online. There's case studies, role plays, even a fake prison and consulate section for us to practice interview skills. Very well organized! Considering about half of our class is in ConGen right now, it's nice to have others to bemoan the hard questions with...
Just kidding. I'm pretty sure they don't batslap you in ConGen. |
But weekend means relaxation time! Puppy and I went on a district adventure. Dogs (and cats) are allowed on public transport in DC as long as they are in a carrier so I sacrificed my own comfort and brought puppy's carrier kennel with me as we took walks.
She walked once we were off the metro. I don't love her /that/ much. |
We rode the metro to the National Mall and despite the single track delays on the Orange and Blue lines (they shut down portions of the track and force lines running both directions to take turns going down one track, hence the name) managed to make it in. The days are hot, sweaty, and seriously gross. But puppy liked sniffing all the grass and exploring and I made sure to bring a bottle of water and her travel bowl.
Mmm...delicious grass |
We checked out the giant lawn of National Mall, exploring the green pastures and even coming upon a cute garden corner at the USDA building.
Yes, I fit in planters. |
After I was thoroughly soaked from our exercise (and also when I realized I brought the wrong memory card for my DSLR), we walked down to the
Maine Fish Market, the oldest operating fish market in the U.S. Back when Coffee had his training in DC, it was my favorite spot to purchase fresh seafood.

A floating market, the barge shops are now owned by two owners despite the many stands: Jessie's and Captain White's. Some of the stands are for the sale of fresh fish, clams, mussels, shrimp, and crab legs, while other areas sell freshly shucked oysters: a dozen for $17. Delicious crab is my number one favorite here though and the stands sell a dozen, half a bushel, and a full bushel. Half a bushel is a pretty big box and although I'm an overachiever in many things, even I have to put a limit on how much shellfish I can consume in one sitting. Large female blue crabs are $28 for a dozen, steamed with old bay seasoning, while mediums run $18. Prices fluctuate according to the season though and you may get them for cheaper. I like the freshly steamed corn too at $2 a corn. Corn chowder was a miss for me and when I saw a lady pour in refills from a plastic bag, I could understand why.

After acquiring my crab (if you want it cooked, make sure to go to the right side, some stands require you to buy at one location and bring it over to get steamed at another), puppy and I fought our way through the afternoon heat back to the metro- Smithsonian and L'Enfant are the closest stops.
Profit??? Puppy not included |
Did I mention it was also Harry Potter weekend as well as the World Cup finale? Congrats to Germany!
Get ready for Monday, ya'll. |
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